If your business profile has not yet received any Feedbax reviews, your profile can be deleted. To do this, please send us a short email from your business email address to [email protected].
Deletion not possible if reviews have been received
Please note that we do not delete company profiles that have already received at least one Feedbax review. This does not include integrated reviews from other review portals, such as Google or Trustpilot.
Our goal is to promote transparency and provide businesses with a fair and open platform. Therefore, we cannot simply remove your business from Feedbax if it has already received at least one Feedbax review, even if you request it. Our focus is on connecting clients and service providers by providing reliable information.
Why reviews on Feedbax are important
The reviews on Feedbax come from customers who have had real experiences with the companies. This information is crucial for other companies to make informed decisions. It is up to the clients to decide which service providers are rated, and we are convinced that these ratings are of great benefit to all parties.
Feedback as an opportunity instead of an obstacle
We understand that not every company is happy with public ratings. However, we see it as an opportunity to use feedback directly to strengthen customer trust and improve your own market position. Open dialog with customers offers the chance to learn not only from positive feedback but also from critical feedback.
Proactive handling of ratings
Feedbax allows you to respond openly to reviews, even critical ones. This can help to clarify misunderstandings, build trust and strengthen your credibility. Dealing with reviews is now an important part of being successful in the digital world.
Feedbax as a platform for growth and exchange
Instead of seeing reviews as a hindrance, we encourage companies to use them as a tool for further development. Feedbax offers a platform where companies can not only be noticed, but also actively participate in exchanges with their customers and other companies.