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How does ranking in the directories work?
Elisa avatar
Written by Elisa
Updated over 4 months ago

Ranking in our directories is based on the Feedbax Score, which is calculated individually for each company profile in each directory. The higher the score, the better the placement in the respective directory.

Our Feedbax Score takes into account several factors with different weightings in order to sort the directories in the best possible way according to the quality of the profiles.

The factors of the new ranking algorithm are as follows:

  1. Number of matching case studies (highest weighting): For example, 10 case studies in the area of app development earn 100 score points for the app development directory.

  2. Feedbax ratings (very high weighting): More recent ratings count for more. A one-week-old 5-star rating can contribute up to 10 times more to the Feedbax score than a two-year-old rating.

  3. Integrated ratings from other sources (high weighting).

  4. Use of our widgets (high weighting): If you have integrated at least one Feedbax widget (reviews, Google stars or top providers) into your website, you will receive an additional 100 score points for all directories.

  5. Missing reviews will result in a deduction of 50 score points. Example: A company profile without customer reviews, whether directly via Feedbax or from other portals, will result in a point deduction.

  6. Number of case studies (high weighting): 10 case studies equal 20 score points.

  7. Percentage of expertise: For example, if 90% of a company's expertise lies in app development, 90 score points are awarded for the app development directory.

  8. Profile progress: A profile progress of 90% earns 90 score points for all directories.

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